So I haven't updated in the longest time, but anyway, since blogs are literally a space for QQ-escapism, I'm going to rant, damnit!
I can't help but feel disillusioned with this business class I am taking. Not that it's hard - but it's stupid.
Now, that's a strong statement (I can see the business majors raising their fists now) but hear me out.
I got a 36/40 for the first exam. And this is an upper division BA class (and I am not a business major)... and I studied
the morning of the exam. The test wasn't really that easy but I guess that for business majors, it would be, considering they've been exposed to concepts like taxes, tariffs, business & culture, etc... but no. The class average was a C even though the professor "threw out" 6 questions to make the exam out of 34. Which also means I got a 106%. W.T.F.?
And it's not like the scores were re-examined based on whether you got those 6 questions right or wrong - he just lowered the total. That's just... mind bogggling.
So yeah, I got more than an A, why am I complaining?
I just don't deserve it. I barely studied (or learnt anything I didn't already know from reading newspapers). I don't feel like I am using this time in class (yes, I am sitting in it now) productively. $1000 worth of education, my ass?